Computer screen calibration

What is screen calibration, why is it important, and how can it be achieved?

A calibrated screen (monitor) is a screen that faithfully reproduces the brightness, contrast, and colors recorded in my digital photo file. An uncalibrated screen, on the other hand, makes things appear different. This is caused by the adjustments on the screen itself.

A lack of calibration may not be immediately noticeable, even when the monitor is very uncalibrated.

Imagine having a television set at a very low brightness with the reds set to maximum. With a television, it is clear that the set is poorly adjusted, and we would therefore immediately try to do something about it. With imperfect digital photos, many people think that the fault is with the images, and therefore they manipulate the photo image rather than adjust the computer. For example, dark and reddish images are often adjusted using a photo retouching program. This potentially ruins them, when they were actually fine in the first place.

A calibrated monitor, or at least one that is not too far off, is a mandatory prerequisite for high-quality digital photography!

Here’s how you can get your computer’s screen (monitor) calibrated:

  • Visual comparison
    If you can compare your monitor with a properly calibrated one, you can try to make it similar. It’s not the best system also because many monitors (e.g., laptops) do not have buttons for regulating the colors. But it’s better than nothing.

  • Using dedicated software
    There are free programs that enable visual calibration of the monitor. Of course, ‘visual’ implies that it is not an instrument that does the calibration but our own eyes. This, of course, is not as accurate. You are unlikely to achieve perfect calibration, but at least the monitor will be partially calibrated.
    Both Windows and Macintosh computers have a built-in visual calibration program. Apple computers are often better adjusted than other computers. In addition, on the internet, there are programs, and some allow online calibration even for free.

  • Using a screen colorimeter
    The best way to calibrate a monitor (including those without adjustment) is by using a colorimeter, which is an instrument specifically built for such purpose. The cost of colorimeters has been greatly reduced in recent years.
    Calibration done with a colorimeter is extremely accurate and allows us to solve the problem once and for all.
    Since calibration should only be done sporadically (even just once a year) this is the classic tool worth sharing with others.


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