Photography Teaching

Each lesson will last a minimum of 60 minutes and is designed for one or two participants. The price is €30 per hour for one participant and €20 per hour per person for lessons with two participants.

There is no obligation: after each lesson, you can decide whether to continue to the next lesson or stop.

Between lessons, you will be required to take photographs that can be submitted for comments and advice.

The list of topics below is merely indicative. The lessons will be tailored to the needs and timeframe of the participants.

Basic Techniques

You use a camera but it still remains a rather mysterious object? You would like to better understand its function in order to operate it

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Rules without excluding creativity! Knowing how to compose correctly and, at the same time, knowing how to create something original and personal is essential to

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Digital Noise

Shooting at high ISO without digital noise. A dream which now becomes true. Who is this for? Fundamental notions Avoiding noise when shooting Noise reduction

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Photographing Flowers

A couple of lessons dedicated to the photography of these subjects, so beautiful and popular… and so difficult! I will illustrate both macro photography techniques

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Portraiture is one of the most beloved fields of Photography and certainly one of the most complex. On top of the technical rules, which are

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Macro Photography

A couple of lessons for learning or refining all the techniques involved in macro photography. The aim of the Macro Photography lessons is not to

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Creativity and Inspiration

Lessons for both photographers and painters, suitable for beginners and professionals. Most people have suffered from a creative block at some point in their lives,

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