Color Management

Color management is indispensable in Digital Photography and Photoshop.

Poor color management results in image deterioration, which will be noticeable only when it’s too late.

In just one lesson, you learn all the essential notions.

Topics covered:

  • Color methods.
  • Color profiles.
  • Color spaces.
  • The problem of Green: dangers and advantages of using ProPhoto RGB.
  • Color profiles and digital formats.
  • Advanced color settings in Photoshop. Conversion Options: Engine and Intent. The various intents (Perceptual, Saturation, Relative Colorimetric, Absolute Colorimetric). When it is better to use a certain intent and when another. The Advanced Controls.
  • What to ask the pressman before sending the file to be printed.

Advanced Layers

Various techniques that employ the advanced use of Photoshop Layers Multiple lighting in post-productionShooting a subject with several light sources and then switching each of

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Digital Noise

Shooting at high ISO without digital noise. A dream which now becomes true. Who is this for? Fundamental notions Avoiding noise when shooting Noise reduction

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